I was tagged by Soho Mama. Pertama kali kena tag!
The rules:
It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours and tag twenty people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question. You don't have to explain your answers. So have fun and don't forget to post it!
What is your name: Sherry
Four letter word: Soft
A boy's name: Salim
A girl's name: Soliha
An occupation: Singer
A color: Sandy Brown
Something you'll wear: Sandal
A food: Sandwich
Something found in the bathroom: Sanitary pad!
A place: South Africa
A reason for being late: Stress
Something you'd shout: Split ..i want strike!
A movie title: Sword Fish
Something you drink: Syrup with lemon
A musical group: Scorpion
An animal: Snake
A street: Sungai Lembing, Jalan
A type of car: Suzuki Grand Vitara..
A title of song : Suara Kekasih. (alleycats..jiwang)
And now I'd like to tag Versed Anggerik, Teo and Pak Malim kucing ray yang alim!!!!
Okay tak Soho-Mama?
Kemaskini 02.03.09- I'd like to tag Niena, Shera, Ezhan, Aiman, Aina, Shafiqah and Mirul. Tenguk sikit boleh jawab ke tidak.
Sherry! Ok sangat sangat!
Pad dalam bathroom..ye sangat2 betul kahkahkah..!
Split..! Dulu2 masa I bowling memang pernah le a few times dapat split nih..
I LOVE the movie Swordfish because Hugh Jackman is one of my fave actors!..(hari tu t'lepas dia punya opening act kat Academy Awards hu huu).
Masa sekolah2 dulu I suka gak Scorpions hee hee..
Good job :)
Komen Pak Malim kucing ray yg alim.
Susah jugak nak jawab soalan ni semua ya, kata Pak Malim sambil menyapu kaya. Kena berfikir, kata Pak Malim sambil duduk berzikir.
Hehehe.... creative answers!
I like!
Berasap jugak nak fikir nak bagi jawapan apa..tapi ok lah ..seronok.
@ pak malim kuching ray yang alim
boleh saya tag pak malim pulak? saya merayu sambil tergelak.
jangan nak mengelak, kata saya terus bercelak.
@The glamer Ahan.
I tag u and teow lah.
Salam kak,
Mula2 tak perasan yang tag ni pelik sikit. Terkejut gak jumpa singer kat sini...hi hi....suspen je...
Kak Sherry,
Maaf lambat tinggalkan komen, agak sibuk kebelakangan ini. It' s great answer.
Kak Sherry,
Terima kasih atas sokongan dan ucapan tahniah. Saya percaya ini merupakan permulaan yang masih memerlukan seribu kerajinan dan mengharungi seribu penghalang. Sekurang-kurangnya, saya masih sedar usaha + nasib akan membawa rezeki.
sherry salam dr sg...hahaa...things found in the washroom why can't it be soap or shampoo:)
Hi Sherry, love your sense of humour, ha ha.
Looks like you did this very fast too.
You keep well and have a nice day, Lee.
cool, please guidance so that I can create a blog like yours
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