Friday, August 28, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Finalle Sg Semuji
To make it short, we finally reached the another tebing dengan jayanya..yahoo..takder sapa yang menang atau kalah since everybody were fully understood the purpose of the game @ activity.! Kreatif berfikir di luar kotak kebiasaan dan semangat berkerjasama antara sesama ahli kumpulan. Balik opis must apply and implement lah ye.
Oh ye..there was another activity to complete before dark. Urusetia tidak semudah itu melepaskan kami berehat sesuka hati.
Then it was our turn to take place.
Acara memusnahkan bom beracun!!
The rule was baldi itu tidak boleh mencecah rumput! Bom akan meletup!
- ikut arahan Leader
- jangan hirau musuh-musuh kat sekeliling
- semangat berpasukan
9.00 Mlm - 10.30 Mlm Sessi 6 : Ceramah agama-Pengukuhan Kerohanian Asas Penjanaan Insan Terbilang.

9.00 am - 10.30 am Session 6 : Transformasi Diri Melalui Model 10 Q's
- Balance Quotient
- Pelan induk untuk menjana 10 Q's
- Jejak-jejak menuju kecemerlangan
- Kontrak diri
- Penilaian kursus
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Dua Malam Di Sungai Semuji....
Date : 28/07/09 - 30/07/09
Venue : Agro Resort Sg Semuji
44 participants .
Wah..canggihnya the title of the Kursus kan? I had attended that Kursus...SNJ, Kehadiran Anda Adalah Diwajibkan...otherwise, you will received the surat cinta shortly.
I was told that one of the purpose of the Kursus was to uplift the semangat kerja of pegawai dan staf of the company. Adakah ini bermakna kami telah kekurangan semangat kerja itu atau it became worst, sudah tiada langsung! Entah, saya sendiri tidak dapat menjawabnya.
"We are looking for great people who dare to dream big and who would like to grow with us bla..bla..bla."
Dream big? That is another story lah ye.
Just for info, i have been working here for the last 16 years!! Am i satisfied? The answer is different story lah. but since day one of the kursus, we have been introduced with the below ungkapan. So, sendiri mau ingat, If you were not satisfied with what you didn't get here, you just quit and find another job lah....!
By the way, as you can see ,the organizer @ cordinator of the kursus was not a calang-calang one. The Facilitator has over 15 years experience in training and consulting. For me every session was excellent and fullfill the objectives of the kursus.
Day One :
9.30 am : Registration .
11.00 - 1.00 : Introduction
2.oo - 4.30 : Session 1
Session 1 : Analisis Profil Kendiri.
Saya tiada di session itu! walaubagaimanapun from outline of the kursus, the objectives were
- Merangsang Minda dan Anjakan paradigma
- Analisis Diri (Kekuatan, kelemahan dan Potensi Diri
- 7 Sumber Untuk Mengenal Diri
- 13 Masalah Yang Mengekang Kecemerlangan Diri
By the way, siapakah gadis manis yang melambai-lambai tangan itu? Adakah dia seorang Penceramah ? Pekerja Resort? Atau Pengacara Rancangan Nona? Oh..tidak, tekaan anda semuanya salah. She is Miss S...my PA..she is still single and available. Ehem.. ..Ehem..
Well, pagi itu saya terpaksa menghadiri Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Audit terlebih dahulu, saya Setiausaha Jawatankuasa..kenalah hadir . Saya telah mendapat excused to register a bit late.
Dan saya amat bertuah , saya sampai di Sungai Semuji just at the right time, minum petang !. Jemput minum, dipersilakan Puan. Hehe.. Kita minum dulu.
5.00 - 6.30 pm : Senaman Kalistenik.
Ooo..i love this session very much . Senamrobik ! ops..di sini saya hanya follower, bukan instructor ye.
Ada juga yang mengelat, memilih tempat teduh....!
Dan seterusnya Aktiviti berkumpulan..Memilih Nama, Logo and Slogan Kumpulan.
Lukis jangan tak lukis...the time was running out!
My kumpulan dengan bangganya mempekenalkan nama, logo and motto of our kumpulan during The Persembahan Berkumpulan. Tidak mempedulikan ejekan dan sorakan kumpulan lain ,kami tetap gigih bersatu melaungkan slogan ataupun motto kumpulan bersama-sama.
Question: Mengapa saya tidak berada dalam barisan?
Jawapan : I was so busy menjawab sms my hubby. Adakah patut dia mengajak saya berlatih bowling ketika itu..Uwaa..uwaa..kalaulah di Resort itu ada lanes..di tengah malam buta pun saya sanggup bersengkang mata asalkan dapat membaling sekali dua!!!!
- Inteligent Quotient
- Emotional Quotient
- Spiritual Quotient

- Relations Quotient
- Motivation Quotient
- Adversity Quotient
- Verbal Quotient
- Loyalty Quotient
- Physical Quotient
..to be continued.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Teaser Entry: TP 2 : Sg Semuji-Semangat Anda Membara?
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Turutan Peristiwa 1 : Hari Bidan Terjun
Semudah itu?(kenapalah saya tidak meneruskan niat awal saya tadi.)
(sebelum itu, Wakil Pengurus Besar telah menyampaikan Ucapan Perasmiannya...saya empunya blog, it's to me lah nak letak mana-mana gambar kan)