Last week, my eldest brother mengahwinkan his 2nd daughter..Sharifah Ennie Suhaini..seorang lecturer. We call her Angah.
"Aunty,.Angah nak Aunty be my Mak Andam during my wedding day nanti ok." Hmm..Actually, Angah had given that notice to me since 3 months before her wedding day .

I had to be honest and telling her the truth. ."My Dear Angah, i'm not that profesional enough to jadi mak andam, nanti jadi macam pakai tepung gomok..bimbang angah akan regret urself seumur hidup bila tengok pictures nanti".
" Angah tak kisah lah Aunty " The facts is that she is very simple and sempoi person..
Selesai segala upacara..from Temerloh to Ipoh, Angah said she is very satisfied with my jobs .(hati mak sedara kenalah jaga kan..hehe). Btw. let the pictures do the talking lah..

It took me 2 hours to siapakan The Pengantin before i went to bed..very early due to my flu yang tak baik-baik lagi at that time. They said ada jamuan rusa panggang after the majlis akad nikah had finished.. whaa..whaa....

Perasaan seorang ayah. I were not there to witnessed these moments.. but still i can figured out what is inside my brother's heart. Her daughter now is become somebody's wife.

Angah and her Suami after the Majlis Akad Nikah.

SUNDAY. 15.03.09. The Hari Besar.
- I had started my work at 9.30 am
- my demam still tak baik lagi
Angah sebelum di makeup

Taraa.......after 2 hours...

Even not feeling very well, tak salahkan the mak andam should interframe too ..

......and last but not least..Aunty from Kuantan..heheh..

Semuga berbahagia dirahmati Ilahi di sepanjang usia.