Wednesday, November 26, 2008

RASA HATI .....( khas buat Bro MC)

Di hening pagi
Suram kelabu,sejuk kaku menyelubungi diri
Ku pujuk hati nurani
Agar terus menyusuri sepi ini
Terus ke hadapan tanpa menoleh lagi
Kenangan silam ku tinggal pergi
Dengan tenang menuju destinasi

Sinar mentari
Semangat waja sudah kembali
Kini ku tak berduka lagi
Kerana ku pasti
Kejayaan dan kebahagian hakiki
Akan ku perolehi
Syukur kepada Ilahi

Corus Hotel, NAC 2008.


Anonymous said...

Kak Jane
Pegi conference ke pegi bengkel puisi ni..
Cuba buat satu puisi tuk I plak
ki ki
--Luv Ija--

sherry said...

hi Ija...menyampah i...tak bagi semangat langsung...i baru nak mengeluarkan bakat2 terpendam i..The Penyajak BOwler..

Mat Cendana said...

Seronok tengok siblings so close together:-) Ini sebahagian dari kualiti hidup, definitely. We get what we had put/invested into something, kan... and that includes "sibling relationships" too, definitely.

I have two sisters - both are quite close to the other. But with me; it was "almost like an outsider".

Mat Cendana said...

Thank you, Deq.
To have "someone" take the time to think about ME... well, I can't say anything more than to tell you that I'm so touched. And especially when you mentioned about something "unpublished"...

No, I'll certainly not put any pressure you into showing it; or bits of it... That's YOUR property, YOUR possession. Anytime when you think you're ready...

Anonymous said...

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